Latest News
Pep Assembly - Friday 9/28/18

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend our PEP Assembly at the Grade School Gymnasium on Friday, 9/28 starting at 9 am. We will be honoring our Marquette Academy Lady Knights Softball Class A State Champions and their Coaches!!!! What an outstanding season! We are so proud of these youngs ladies and their coaches.
Father Krengiel will also be giving a blessing to our Marquette Academy Boys Baseball Team who are headed to State to win the State Title in Baseball too! We are very proud of our young men and their coaches also! Their first game will be Friday, 9/28 at 4 pm vs. Peoria Hollis! (Eastside Centre, 1 Eastside Drive, East Peoria, IL)
So we hope to see everyone Friday at 9 am!
If you have any questions, please let us know. 815-433-1199
Thank you and GO KNIGHTS!!!!!