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God is Light

No matter what terrible things happen in the world, no matter what confusion I experience in my life, “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).
Following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida last February, students around the country responded by voicing their fear, and by pleading with the adults who run this country to do something to ensure their safety. This prompted a national discussion about how to stop the recurring theme of students expressing their rage by shooting up their school. Some called for more gun control, others suggested arming teachers, and many suggested more counselors, psychiatrists and armed guards on campus. While some of these things might be helpful, none of them addresses the root of the problem: why all the rage?
One member of the Florida State House of Representatives had a different response. Rep. Kimberly Daniels said, “We cannot put God in a closet when the issues we face are bigger than us,” and, “God is the light…our schools need light in them like never before.” Unfortunately, it was the adults who run this country that outlawed in-school prayer in public schools in the 1960’s. Without God in our schools and in our American public life, our young people are left without any moral guidance. They don’t know who they are, they don’t know right from wrong, and they don’t know where to turn when life’s problems are bigger than them…and it’s not their fault. Because of the sense of meaninglessness and confusion this causes, it’s no wonder young people have so much rage.
Rep. Daniels made some concrete progress in helping to right this problem. She helped pass a bill that took effect this past July requiring all state schools in Florida to prominently display their state motto: “In God We Trust.” Although God has not been kicked out of our Catholic school, we are always affected by the ethos of the time. I want this same message of hope to speak at Marquette loud and clear, so this school year will have a theme: “God is Light (in Him there is no darkness at all)”. It will be proclaimed from banners, posters, and holy cards alike. For when we know the Light of God, our lives are never meaningless, our problems are never too big, and when making difficult decisions, we always have a Light to guide us.
May the coming school year be filled with the pure Light of God,
Fr. Corey Krengiel, Chaplain